December 2020 Income Report

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Welcome the “Monthly Income Report” for my various Print On Demand and marketing endeavors for November 2020.

This was about the same as last month, a little better.

Merch By Amazon: $5.92 – 2 sales of the same shirt – my only real seller.

Amazon KDP: $14.78 – 5 books in total.

Etsy: $17.13 mostly from Halloween coloring sets

Etsy 2: $0 – still only 1 item on the shop

JJ: $0 – moved host, still resetting

PP: $0 – new store, just setting up

LB: $0 – concept needs work and effort

AF: $0 – conecpt needs work and effort

C4C: $0 – nothing here

PBE: $0 – set up some emails and lead-gen, but haven’t driven traffic yet.

Total Sales: $38.75 which is UP from last month by $7 and my Etsy ad spend was only $15.35 this month so by these numbers, I made money.

Of couse this isn’t ALL of the numbers. This does NOT show any of the expenses like amortizing hosting costs, graphic design site memberships etc. I’m still deep underwater on this.

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